Queer and There

Category Archives for Queer and There.

Is It Worth Getting (or Converting to) the Chase Ink Business Preferred Just for 3X Plastiq Payments?

a stone tower with a bridge over it

The Chase Ink Business Preferred offer in this post is NO LONGER AVAILABLE. Click here to see the latest travel card deals!

Update 8/19/18: 3X on Plastiq payments with the Chase Ink  Business Preferred stopped working on 8/16/18. So the method below doesn’t work any more. I’m glad I kept my trusty Chase Ink Plus after all!

There’s a bit of a known secret about the Chase Ink Business Preferred card – you earn 3X Chase Ultimate Rewards points on ALL Plastiq payments (that is, the ones you can use a Visa card for).

I currently have the old Chase Ink Plus card (no longer available) that earns 5X at office supply stores, and on cable, internet, and phone service.

But month after month, I find myself spending way more on Plastiq payments than on “office supplies” or my internet bills. I’m heavily considering converting to the Ink Business Preferred to get that sweet 3X. When I run the numbers, I know I can earn more Chase Ultimate Rewards points this way. But, I’m afraid:

  • Chase will change the 3X any second now
  • Of losing the Chase Ink Plus card – once I convert, I can never go back

Is it worth a risk long-term for a short-term gain? Ah, isn’t that always top of mind with this hobby (and everything, really)?

chase 3x plastiq

I’ve had the Chase Ink Plus since it was a MasterCard… but if I convert, it’ll go the way of my Blockbuster card: SO TOTALLY OVER

Along the same thinking, would it be worth opening the Chase Ink Preferred to earn 3X on Plastiq payments… for as long as the gettin’s good?

Chase 3X Plastiq payments

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Last Summer, Bumped off Delta Flight. This Fall, Free Business Class Flights to Mexico City

a man taking a selfie with mountains in the background

This time last year, I was hiking through the mountains of Glacier National Park in Montana. I wrote about how I booked the trip and the one and only time I’ve ever had to use rental car insurance to file a claim.

I also got to stay at Granite Park Chalet with my dear friend Angie for 3 nights of mountain views, good company, and sneaky shots of whiskey before bed. 😵

delta bump

Glacier National Park is one of my favorite places on earth

On the way home, I got bumped off my original departing flight. And ended up leaving 30 minutes later, getting home an hour earlier, and now – scoring a free flight to Mexico City with my $500 Delta voucher for taking the bump.

All in all, I came out ahead on this one!

Turning a Delta bump into more free flights

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This Thursday (7/19): Join the Dallas Frequent Flyer Meetup at Sundown!

a stage with speakers and a microphone

It’s that time – this Thursday, July 19th, Out and Out is hosting another Out for Miles frequent flyer meetup in Dallas!

This one is in the trendy Lower Greenville neighborhood, close to 75 and 635 for those coming from all points.

dallas frequent flyer meetup

Join us for a great happy hour in a relaxed venue this Thursday

We’ll be there a little before 6pm to welcome everyone. There’s a fantastic happy hour until 7pm with cheap drinks and light bites.

Out for Miles event details

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Tomorrow: I’m Chatting Live With The Credit Card Nerd on YouTube @ 3pm CT!

a man in glasses and a man in glasses

Set a reminder! There’s a new podcast in town. The Credit Card Nerd hosts a weekly discussion of points & miles news every Saturday at 3pm CT.

And tomorrow, I’m the featured guest on the fourth episode!

credit card nerd podcast

Watch me and Chase talk shop on Saturday, June 30th @ 3pm CT

We’ll go over lots of recent news, my latest trip to the Faroe Islands, and take your questions – live!

Out and Out on Credit Card Nerd Podcast

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Koks Restaurant Review: Dining Experience of a Lifetime in the Faroe Islands

a table with plates and a chair in a room with wood walls

My first day in the Faroe Islands was packed:

  • Got to airport in Vagar at 11am
  • Checkin at Havgrim Hotel shortly after 12pm
  • New Norse-inspired tattoo at 4pm
  • And by 6pm, off to Koks for dinner at 6:30pm!

This was also the Summer Solstice in the Land of the Midnight Sun. I didn’t know what to expect from Koks. That I’d be there 4+ hours. And that it wouldn’t just be a (very decadent) meal – but truly the experience of a lifetime.

koks restaurant review

Koks is in an old turf house on an isolated bay in the Faroe Islands

Here’s my experience (the only word to describe it!) at Koks, complete with #foodporn pics of the 20+ courses served that night.

My Koks restaurant review

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5 of My Favorite Blogs Are Run by Awesome #GirlBosses

a collage of women posing for a picture

Recently, an Out and Out reader left a kind comment asking who my favorite bloggers are. I started typing up a response then realized… my favorite bloggers are women. Which is awesome!

I decided to make a proper post about it.

Here are 5 blogs I have as “Favorites” in my Feedly. When I see they’ve posted, I make a note to read in the way I’ve grown used to – which is different for each one. They cover topics from travel to financial freedom to mental and physical health. And I’ve learned so much from all of them in the years since I discovered their fantastic blogs.

a collage of women posing for a picture

5 of my favorite bloggers!

They are true hustlers, hard workers, deeply knowledgable about their areas of interest, and all incredible women. Add them to your reading list!

5 Fave Bloggers to Read

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How I Got Started With Points & Miles 6 Years Ago

a man taking a selfie in a mirror

TL;DR: Had crappy credit. Used points cards as motivation to improve my credit score. Hooked ever since.

I’ve taken a server job a few nights a week to get out of the house, stay active, and be social. I see people using credit cards more than ever. I’m shocked by how many people still throw down debit cards. Most of them are millennials.

getting started with points

Google has the tea on millennials and CCs

My generation is a complicated story of student loan debt, job-hopping, delaying children, unable to afford or save to buy homes, living longer than ever – and definitely NOT wanting to get sucked into credit cards.

I see cool metal cards here and there – but most millennials are using well-worn debit cards from local banks.

If you can use credit responsibly and pay the balance in full every month, then you’re leaving money on the table by using debit cards. Even a 2% cashback card with no annual fee is free to use and earns literally free money.

a lake surrounded by trees and mountains

I started college in rural Vermont – and promptly got into credit card debt

I remember the sting of credit cards: opened a student credit card when I was 18, charged textbooks I couldn’t afford, and fell into the soul-crushing cycle of debt. Such a slippery slope.

Then I did the unthinkable: defaulted on a student loan. I was so poor, making $120 a week working overtime at retail jobs. And they wanted $500 a month? I ripped up the bills and threw them in the trash. I didn’t have extra money. How was I going to come up with $500 more every month? And that was the “financially burdened” plan. 😑

Getting into rewards credit cards

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This Thursday (5/17): Dallas Frequent Flyer Meetup for Sushi & Sake!

a plate of sushi

Y’all ready? I’m excited for the next Out for Miles frequent flyer meetup – this Thursday in Dallas! 

The events have been popular, so I’m aiming to host one around the middle of every month. We have a great group of peeps so far. Next one’s near the Dallas/Richardson border (in North Dallas off 75), easier for those heading south.

dallas frequent flyer meetup

This Thursday – a great happy hour and talking points & miles

It’ll be at Sushi Sake Grill on Walnut Hill Lane. And there’s a Happy Hour until 6:30pm – come for sushi and sake, stay for the good times. 😉

Out for Miles Dallas frequent flyer meetup

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Like Discount Shopping? Save Big With These Sites – My 3 Faves

a group of logos on a black background

Also see: 

As someone with 3 Airbnb properties, I buy a TON of home supplies: paper products, cleaning supplies, and linens. And I love Kohl’s for bedding, towels, and pillows.

But for regular stocking up, there are a couple discount shopping sites I turn to. I also wanted a share a site I discovered that’s pure fun slash addicting if you like to shop.

discount shopping

Do you use these sites to save? I’m obssessed

Here are 3 go-to sites for discount shopping.


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Weekend Roundup: Office Depot Double Cashback, Pay It Forward, & Cheap DNA Testing

a man wearing a hat and glasses

Hi chickadees. Here are a few things that caught my eye on this beautiful, sunny Dallas day. All are time-sensitive to this weekend.

Double cashback at Office Depot

Now this is a great deal: through April 30th, 2018, you can get double cashback in store when you link a card through Ebates.

a screenshot of a store

Good deal alert

One of the participating stores is Office Depot for 6% cashback! Read More

Earth Day 2018: Commit to Using Less Plastic!

a man sleeping on a blanket

Earth Day is TODAY – Sunday, April 22nd this year. And I have a new mantra:

The only plastic I carry is in my wallet.

Our earth is full of plastic in oceans, landfills, and accumulated litter. This past year, I committed to eliminating plastic from my life as much as I can by using refillable water bottles, steel straws, and cloth bags.

I’ve made so much progress that I mostly touch plastic to earn points & miles.

use less plastic

I believe we can interact peacefully with the earth and help it heal. There is too much plastic pollution

The travel and hospitality industries are incredibly wasteful. If everyone took a small step to offset plastic use, imagine how much we could save from ending up in oceans, hurting animals, or going into a landfill.

“The only plastic I carry is in my wallet.”

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Happy Hour Tonight – Join Us at the Frequent Flyer Meetup in Dallas!

a group of people standing in a room

Hey-o, I’m back from an amazing trip to Tokyo. And man, jet lag is no joke!

I can’t wait to write about the hotels, flights, and wanderings. In the meantime, follow me on Instagram to see the city covered in pink and white cherry blossoms – or let’s talk about it tonight at the next Out for Miles frequent flyer meetup!

dallas frequent flyer meetup

Take a break from Monday-ing and have a drink with us

There’s a great group of folks chatting about points & miles, trips, and credit cards tonight at Blue Mesa in Addison, TX. We’ll be there at 6pm – just in time to make the end of happy hour!

Out for Miles frequent flyer meetup

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