With 965 days left to reach my goal, I think I’ll cruise past the halfway mark of $250,000 this month!
December was a doozy. The markets rallied, I had over a week off to rest, and had my first Christmas in my new house in Oklahoma.
I’m still reeling from November and feeling a little whiplash at dropping $24,000 and then bouncing back over $30,000 in the last month of the year.
On top of all that, I started adding money to savings again and on January 1, went ahead and maxed out my Roth IRA with a $6,000 contribution. 💥 I was waiting to let that settle before I posted this update.

In my new office. The house is coming along nicely
In my January 2021 update, my net worth was $173K. This month, it’s $247K. If I can manage a $73K increase in one year, then I’ll shoot to have a $100K increase this year and be at $347K by January 2023. 😛