I’m creating my own nail-biter over here. This is the third month in a row of a new net worth high. That feels dang good on its own: At nearly $350K, I’m 70% of the way toward my $500K goal.
But the goal is to hit $500K by August 2024. That’s in 7 months! Being $150K short means I’ll have to increase my net worth by over $21,000 each month on average until then to achieve it.
That’s… a lot. Is it realistic?

Sleep < Haircut
I mean, probably not.
Is it also incredible? Heck yeah! I continue to be amazed at how compound interest truly has a life of its own.
I’ve had plenty of months with gains and losses of that size. But to have 7 winning months in a row? I’m my own underdog. It’s unlikely but it would be soooo cool if it happened.
Even if it doesn’t, I think I’ll get pretty close. Either way, 2024 is already shaping up to be an incredible year.