You know how bloggers say they started their site because their friends kept asking for pointers? This post on how to start investing is exactly that.
I posted on Insta and Facebook about my first $100K invested in the stock market for my retirement – separate from the cash I’m setting aside.
This milestone happened yesterday! For the first time in my life, seeing six digits when looking at my accounts – finally – was exciting.
It didn’t happen fast for me. But once I buckled down, momentum built and I nearly doubled what I had in just the past year.
This pandemic, horrible as it is, has been an advantage for saving. I’m not traveling any time soon after my weird vacation earlier this month, can’t go to happy hour because bars are closed, and have most meals at home. So my “fun slash going out” and travel budgets are going directly to savings.
If you’re in a similar spot, this is an excellent time to begin investing for your future.

Money Alley is a great place to be
So here’s my mini-guide. Written especially for my friends and those looking for direction. 🤑