Also see:
- Come in Houston, er, Dallas: Buying a House and a Move Toward FIRE
- Goodbye to All That: In a Month, Dallas Here I Come!
I set the date, said my goodbyes, and cut the ties.
The move to Dallas has been a long time coming. I picked Memorial Day weekend to drive from Brooklyn to my new place in Dallas.
Now I’m here and it’s been about 4 weeks. Everyone kept talking about “getting settled.” Pssh, I don’t need to get settled. I’ll just pick right up.
It’s been a crazy few weeks:
- 2 new Airbnbs
- Buying investment property #2
- Unpacking boxes
- Werkin’
- Getting acquainted with a new city
- Visits from friends (already!)
In short, I guess, yeah, I did need time to “settle.”
The drive down took 4 days. I thought it would take 3. Here’s how it went down and why it took longer.