Turning the debt corner, up $9K, and wrapping up Q4: October 2024 Freedom update

October 2024 Freedom update

A lot’s happened this month! Our house was befallen with strep throat, Beck turned two, Warren had his first sleepover at his grandma’s house, many school events and birthday parties, and lots of running around.

I also got into couponing at CVS and Walgreens and upgraded my extra phone to the new Pixel 9 Pro—it’s really zippy!

a window with flowers and vegetables

Autumnal scenes

I also got through lingering expenses that put me directly on the path to clearing up my credit card debt, and then into saving. It’s going to take some time, but it’s finally here, so my complete financial focus is on resolving this debt so I can save and invest.

I imagine this is how I’ll close out 2024 and ring in 2025. And it that’s the case, I’m thrilled. It’s now Q4. I’m ready to make some progress and get to the New Year!

October 2024 Freedom update

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Newly 40, 67% toward my goal, and up $17K – September 2024 Freedom update

September 2024 Freedom update

I’m currently at 67.2% of my $500,000 goal. My previous net worth peak was $363,002, and this month I’m at $335,872. I’m tired of being at this level, though I’ve been mostly at the mercy of the stock market. I’m to the point where I’ll do whatever it takes to get over the $400,000 hump and into the home stretch to $500,000.

I’ve been working nights and weekends to freelance, pay down credit cards, and get my savings built up.

a group of people sitting together smiling

I had the sweetest 40th birthday party, y’all

Something about turning 40 last week lit a fire under my butt. I’m over the halfway mark and ready to push through this last 30% or so that’s left.

a yellow square paper with writing on it

I love this sweet drawing!

You think I can do it by August 2025? That would divide to about $14,000 a month for the next 12 months. That sounds like a lot, but then again, I’m up nearly $17,000 this month alone. But a lot of it is the stock market, which I can’t control. So now I’m working on producing as much as I can—which I can control—to clear this hurdle that’s been in the works for a few years now.

I’m proud of my goal and progress so far, and now I’m beyond ready for the final phase.

September 2024 Freedom update

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Market swings, down $14K, but on and up with a new job – August 2024 Freedom update

August 2024 Freedom update

August 2024. This date has been in my mind for a long time as the original goal date to accumulate a $500,000 net worth. Now it’s here—and my net worth is still hovering around the $300,000 mark. ‍

This date was set because of my 40th birthday, coming up in a couple of weeks. Back then, I didn’t know I would move, buy and sell two houses, be a digital nomad for a stretch, or have three kiddos. And who could’ve predicted a pandemic in the middle of everything?

a man with a beard and a blue shirt

Not bad for 40

Despite many ups and downs (this month AND in the last few years), I’m in good spirits.

I have a lot to report and process this month, so let’s get crack-a-lackin’.

August 2024 Freedom update

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Points Hub partnerships with PointsYeah and Foxtrot Dash—now live!

Points Hub events

Points Hub is rockin’ and rollin’! If you haven’t heard yet, Points Hub is a paid membership community to talk all things points and miles.

The mission of Points Hub is to provide members with their best points and miles year ever no matter where they are in their journey, from beginners to experts.

Points Hub events

Join us!

It’s an election year, in case you haven’t heard, so I wanted a space far away from social media. I find Facebook groups fatiguing because notifications and divisive posts are still there—and because most of them don’t allow member referral links.

There’s the value prop for Points Hub: Experts can talk with beginners, and beginners can, in return, learn and use referral links for credit cards and other products to begin their points journey.

It’s got a nice give and take, and there’s plenty of room for everyone—and now there are partnerships for even more added value for members.

New Points Hub partnerships with PointsYeah and Foxtrot Dash

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Amazon Prime Day Deals July 16 & 17, 2024

a close up of a credit card

Amazon Prime Day Deals 2024

General Deals

Amazon Prime Day Deals 2024

$200 smackaroos and 5% back (note: it’s a Chase card)

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Laid off again, up $13K, and starting a dream – July 2024 Freedom update

July 2024 Freedom update

What a month already! A week ago, I was laid off from my job. It was my second layoff in as many years, just when I was starting to feel like I was doing well in the position. Oh well—it lasted a year. So that was how June ended.

It was a particularly nasty layoff: the kind you hear so much about on LinkedIn these days. I was shocked/sad/mad for about a day, then decided to move on. Easy come, easy go.

a body of water with trees in the background

Here’s to more peaceful and prosperous times ahead

While I look for the next thing, I decided to go full force into creating a points, miles, and travel rewards community packed with info, courses, events, and more. I announced Points Hub on Friday. As of today (Monday), many members joined with a Pro Lifetime membership, which showed me how crucial this resource will be for so many people.

I’m still applying to full-time jobs on the side. I’m also making outlines for courses, adding info, and building the community at Points Hub. It’s just getting started, but already a blast. Come on in!

Also, spoiler alert, this is kind of an anti-update because, uh… no income at the moment. But this journey has its own life, so let’s see what’s up.

July 2024 Freedom update

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Announcing Points Hub: A new points and miles community

a paper airplane on a blue background

I’ve been working on a new points and miles community, and I’m excited to launch it! It’s called Points Hub, hosted by Circle Communities.

It’s a paid membership community that has features you’re probably used to—and others that are new and exclusive.

a blue background with white letters

Points Hub is here

It’s a really cool space, so let me tell you more about it.

Announcing Points Hub

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Midyear goal transparency and up $10K – June 2024 Freedom update

June 2024 Freedom update

Now that the dust has settled on the house sale, I can more fully take “stock” of my financial situation. I’ve been stressed about it for a few weeks, but ready to lay it out in gleaming detail.

Turns out, months of two housing payments, moving a house full of stuff across two states, and the birth of a child will really put a dent in your short-term financial goals.

a man wearing a hat and smiling at the camera

The beach in Arkansas was so nice

I put a lot of expenses onto two 0% APR credit cards, figuring I’d use the money from the sale to pay them down. Well, I barely touched them before the money was gone from other things (which I detailed in the last two updates).

But it’s good! I have a few months to figure out how I want to approach everything and in the meanwhile, I’ve completely retooled my midyear goals now that we’re halfway through 2024.

June 2024 Freedom update

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Down market and a huge $50K hit after selling house – May 2024 Freedom update

May 2024 Freedom update

I’ve been semi-avoiding writing this update to detail this month’s huge losses, but eat the frog, as they say.

The Oklahoma house sold, April 2024 was the first losing month for the S&P 500 after five positive months in a row, and the house sale money was gone in a poof.

a man taking a selfie in a park with a city in the background

We went to Chicago for five days!

I used the money to pay down debt, start on my 2024 Roth IRA, and build up my savings a bit. But, to further illustrate the losses, I invested ~$4,000 but my investments are only up $435 for the month.

I also might’ve been overestimating my old home’s value and didn’t include transaction fees against my net worth in previous updates. But now the house is gone, and so too are the mortgage and equity estimate from my net worth calculations.

Now that I’m renting again, maybe this is a more “pure” version of calculating net worth. All that to say, it was a rough month—and I am down nearly $53,000.

May 2024 Freedom update

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House sold, shifts ahead, and planning for a tax sale? – April 2024 Freedom update

April 2024 Freedom update

The Oklahoma house is closing on Friday after being on the market only 6 days. I’m thrilled, sad, nervous, etc.

Thrilled to no longer make two housing payments, sad because a ton of bad stuff happened to us in that house, nervous because I don’t want any last-minute surprises, and etc. because.

a man holding a baby

THIS BABY. Three months old

I’ve been using my credit cards to get us through this patch and very much looking forward to paying them off with the money I get from the sale.

But I also discovered a tax lien sale and have a few properties on a watch list. The auctions are in late April. So, I’m going to hold the money for a few weeks and see what I can do there. If nothing, then I’ll eradicate all my credit card balances.

And if so… well, I still have until October with my 0% APR rates. Either way, not too worried and seeing a lot of upside and potential.

One thing is certain: My net worth will see BIG gyrations this month. I am more at peace with it now, yet I remain hopeful.

For one thing, I didn’t factor in the $20,000 it would cost to sell the house… ‍

April 2024 Freedom update

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New city, new energy, and up $12K – March 2024 Freedom update

March 2024 Freedom update $361,560

Bye, Oklahoma! A lot happened there—like, a LOT—and I’m glad to say goodbye to that place. As of this month, we’ve officially moved for a better school district and to get a fresh start. I first moved to Oklahoma City in October 2021.

a man with a beard and mustache

I was sad for a week but over it now

Our old house is listed for sale as of March 1.

Considering August 2024—seven more months—is the goal date to save $500,000, that could push me ahead, move the dial back, or be uneventful. I already got the estimated proceeds of how much I’ll get if it sells for the listing price.

Also, until it sells, I’ll pay rent for our new place plus mortgage on the old place. We’re renting now which feels… different after owning my house (and before that, a condo). So far, it’s been freeing not dealing with the stuff of ownership.

I’d like to buy again eventually—but, one thing at a time. Anything could happen this month (this year, this lifetime). But in this moment, I’m at yet another net worth high (and will never tire of typing that).

March 2024 Freedom update

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I Grew Up Poor and Learned Financial Literacy Late. Now, I’m Investing for My Children and Teaching Them to Become Millionaires

a man and a child playing with a bucket

For those who are going to comment, “What’s this have to do with BoardingArea?”, the answer is nothing, so don’t bother. Close the tab and leave.

If you’re still here, know that I’m so excited to travel and can’t wait to post more travel stories. This article has a story behind it.

It was originally published on August 25, 2022, on NextAdvisor in partnership with TIME on the Time.com domain. That site folded in early 2023 and the story disappeared into internet ether. I thought it was a good one, so I want to republish it now—on my own blog—for posterity so it isn’t lost forever.

I’ll admit: It’s definitely on the personal finance side of things. It relates to my own personal finance journey that I’ve chronicled here since 2019 (a literal different world ago). It’s a great complement and explains more of my thinking and personal finance philosophy.

And so, I hope having one more personal finance post is OK. This one’s mostly for me, and I hope you enjoy it too.

I Grew Up Poor and Learned Financial Literacy Late. Now, I’m Investing for My Children and Teaching Them to Become Millionaires

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