That’s what I’ve been asking myself, anyway.
Living in New York can sometimes send my stress levels through the roof. It’s everything: time, crowds, expectations, competition for everything.
Lately, I’ve been using these two affirmations to check in with myself whenever I start to feel my heart race (in a bad way):
- Be OK in every situation.
This reminder has calmed me down so much. When someone cuts me off on the sidewalk, when I miss a walk signal, or I get to the subway platform only to watch my train speed away, I use this to remind myself that it doesn’t really matter.
I’m still alive, I still have my health and much to look forward to. A few extra seconds or minutes isn’t going to make or break anything. Plus, It’s probably a good idea to slow down for a bit. It’s all OK.
And then:
- Can you do it softer?
That should probably be in quotations because that’s exactly what I’ve been asking myself lately, usually following “Be OK in every situation.”
“Can you do it softer?” Live softer, walk softer, be calm and manage energy levels.
No matter what’s happening, is there a way to change the energy I’m sending out? Can I convert that energy into something better? The answer is always yes.
But how?
Simply do it softer. “It” can be anything. Anything. Live with purpose, take calculated risks, be gentler, relax my muscles, step lighter.
After I remind myself that I’m OK, I push it that extra step. “Can you do it softer?” It’s wondrous.
Bottom line
These affirmations have helped me in the past couple of months.
And they are related to travel. Definitely. I also want to GO GO GO on a day of travel and hate getting in lines, especially when I think people are clusterfucking. This is why I love Pre-Check and Global Entry so much.
But on the off-chance that I have to wait in a line of any kind, I remind myself that it’s all fine. Even while traveling and getting all checked in at the airport – can I do that softer, too? Now there’s a challenge.
Do you have an affirmation?